All of the photos I have were taken with a digital camera. However, they're from a multitude of different people with different digital cameras so I can't say for certain the type of model of the camera for any of the photos in this blog.
I chose this as my photo for friends because these were the first friends I made when I came to Australia. The first week when I arrived I didn't know a single person. These people went out of their way to invite me to their party knowing that I didn't know anyone and hoping that I would soon meet people and feel more comfortable in this country. I consider these people my first Australian friends.
High Tech
This is an image of a ghoul at the Jekyll and Hyde club in NYC. The whole set up at Jekyll and Hyde is pretty high tech. The basic theme is that everything is alive. All the dummy's randomly talk to you, the eyes in the pictures move, and figures, like this guy, will randomly come to life during the meal and start conversing with members of the audience.
Hurricane Katrina, the category 5 hurricane that flooded New Orleans, first hit Miami as a category 1 hurricane. The eye went directly through Coral Gables where my university is located. They estimated that 4 tornadoes touched down on the university and about 70 percent of the trees and wildlife was destroyed around campus. This picture shows the Iron Arrow tree that was planted when the university 1st opened. This massive tree was taken down by one of the tornadoes.
Before arriving in Australia I had a layover in Fiji. On this layover I took a 5 hr boat ride out to they Yasawa Islands. This is one of the pictures I took from outside my tent. It epitomizes the tropical island feeling. Crystal blue water, amazing snorkeling, and some of the friendliest islanders in the world. Whenever I look at this picture I'm instantly brought back to one of the most relaxing times of my life.
Hookers and Deviates Party from last year. Yeah umm......I think this one explains itself ; )
University Life
Pop Quiz "What do you do when your best friend stumbles into your room at 3am and passes out on the floor besides your bed"
Answer: Grab the camera and take as many embarrassing photos as you can.
This here is my best friend Casey who lives by the saying "Work hard, play hard"
P.S As this is a on-campus dorm room she had to sneak pass security less they give her a sobriety test and she gets busted for underage drinking
This weeks lecture was totally awesome and really made me think. The concept of virtual reality was turned into a sort of philosophical debate and made me think about the connection of the mind, body and the world in which we live. I remember the first time I experienced VR. I was pretty young and in a computer store where they were promoting this virtual reality headset. My father tried it on and was totally amazed with it. However, when I had a go I didn't really understand what was happening. There were objects coming at me that I was supposed to dodge, which one would think would make me really active in the game. However, I just let the objects hit me not understanding that I had to use my body to navigate in this world. While my father was completely impressed I was just confused. It didn't feel like reality to me so I didn't act the same way I would if I was actually dodging objects thrown at me.
This led me to think during the discussion of whether or not VR was the next reality. As a child who was still forming their view of the world it was very clear to me that this was not real. It was very simple to me. These objects weren't real so why bother trying to avoid them? Even today when I go to the arcade and do the simulation games, I don't really enjoy it. Not only does it seem fake, but I get really motion sick. I think that even the most realistic VR will never really appeal to me. My mind is too critical, to analytical, and I tend to see all the faults and inconsistencies instead of becoming enchanted in the virtual world. I also think that most of the population would react as such. It would be scary to loose yourself in an alternate world and I think most people would start feeling as if they were losing their identity and retreat back into reality.